Monday, January 14, 2013

TVF 301 Intermediate Production Community Site


I'm Alex Godinez, currently taking TVF 301.  I've sent most of the students from this course an invite to this site so we can all have a platform to post information, and share ideas regarding our projects this quarter.  Consider it a networking community site.

For anyone looking for help or willing to help others in the course, please drop a line.

If you have a question about the class, drop a line.

You want to coordinate a casting session with others, or swap services, drop a line.

You're welcome to advertise actors, or add a link to sites with editing tutorials or prop rentals, etc.

It's essentially what you make of it, and I'll offer to assist as best I can.

In time, I'll try to find a way to organize this blogpost by creating different categories.  Meanwhile, please feel free to offer suggestions on the organization of this site.

Again, welcome, and thanks!  Good luck on your projects this quarter!



  1. Hey Alex!

    Great idea for the blog! I also wanted to mention that my forte is Producing, so if anyone needs a producer on-set, I'd be down to offer my help!

    Thanks again for the blog!

    1. Thanks for the reply, Colle. I'll be posting more info up this week, hopefully it's useful. There's a Facebook page for our class as well.
